Talking about the country of wine and about the history of wine-making in Armenia it should be mentioned that according to the Biblical legend, the winemaking dates back to the grape planted by Forefather Noah in the slope of Mount Ararat (Bible, Genesis 8:3, 4; Genesis 9:20, 21).

The wine was a reward for Noah and for his companions for all the sufferings that they overcame during the great flood. According to the scientifically proven facts, winemaking in Armenia has 6 thousand years history. Archeologists have found nuclei of grapes in Armenia, which being put in number of complicated analysis have confirmed the hypothesis, that winemaking in Ararat Valley has centuries old history. Many tares and winemaking equipments with wine remains and grape nucleus have been found in the caves near Areni village. These studies about the history of winemaking in the Old World have been done by a group of Armenian, American and Irish people. The Armenians were the first who engaged in wine exporting.

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